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Intensive Program VITA NOVA II in Klisura from July 9th – April 21st 2007

The program of the Intensive program 2007 Klisura was organised in three different parts:

BLOCK 1 Introduction and Future Search Conference
A search conference is a concentrated, intense way of working, well suited for strategy and planning processes. In a search conference the participants and stakeholders of the Berkovica region , will work three days, design the system´s most desired future and formulate creative strategies to bring that future about. The way of working and the rules for group discussions combines system thinking with democratic strategy processes. People´s best thinking and positive energy are released to create tangible results, including real breakthroughs in tough situations. The Vision is made up of the group´s hopes and dreams as a common goal, a picture of what they see going on in their future.

Download for further reading:

BLOCK 2 Case Studies and Lectures
Innovative at this IP was, that after a theoretical preparation and inventory of the monastery Klisura the students were working on architectural, renewable energy, regional planning and socio-economic concepts in an interdisciplinary way with experts and scientist. Additionally the transdisciplinary approach was, to prove the developed concepts critically and to discuss them in regard to practical feasibility with the users on location.
Due to universities and experts from EU-countries and also from the countries Serbia and Macedonia, as non eligible partners, participate at the IP, a discourse on an European level took place.

BLOCK 3 Project Work
Within the following project week students and teachers from various sciences, planning fields and practical work of Architecture, Landscape planning, Economy and Regional Planning from five different countries were elaborating various projects:

Download for further reading:
Program VITA NOVA II (pdf, 33 kb)