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Permaculture is an ethical method for designing systems to meet human needs which are accessible to all. It is a patterned approach to problem solving which is transportable between cultures, locations and times. Permaculture designs centre on connecting energy flows to maximise the harvesting of useful processes. Bill Mollison in co-operation with David Holmgren was founding the Permaculture Institute 1978 in Australia and was awarded with the Alternative Nobel price in 1981.

Permaculture design course: Architectural design is generally not taught as a collaborative process that clients or users have any stake in. In permaculture design courses, students learn to work within a wider community through practical ecological design projects, and acquire basic ecological literacy through lectures, thereby gaining the valuable habit of responding effectively to complex, interdisciplinary problems in their own field.

Design principles in permaculture: Work with nature and the processes of natural systems. Recycle and reuse of local resources as many times as possible within a polycultural system, so that every element performs at least three functions. Design for diversity and variety not monoculture. Create human-scale self-reliant systems and be space efficient. Everything has many uses and functions. Every element is placed in relationship to others so that they can benefit in partnership from each other.

Ethics of permaculture: 1. Care of the earth and making sure we donĀ“t damage its natural systems. 2. Care of the people means meeting peoplesĀ“ needs to have a good quality of life, but without damaging the earth. 3.Fair trade 4. Accepting limits to population and consumption is realizing that as a human species we cannot continue to increase and also sustain the planet. We must put limits on our growth and our own consumption.

Contact: Permakultur Austria