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The procedure of this integrated project ACADEMIA DANUBIANA resembles an open “learning loop“ which should enable a realistic monitoring of innovative projects and an open exchange of experience with international study programs in transdisciplinary management and integrated land utilisation and holding transnational seminars intended for representatives of the adminstration and the sciences, industry and the public.

We want to achieve new strategies for integrating all activities within the regional context, therefore we have to start preserving and conserving our living spaces, then regenerating and repairing our living tissues and finally strenghtening corporate responsibility within a sophis-ticated stewardship. These concrete activities are supposed to give shape to this integrated project.

Within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region1) (to preserve biodiversity, landscapes, and the quality of air and soils, p.47) the ACADEMIA DANUBIANA is mentioned as an example of a project: “To implement the strategy for soil protection” – Responsible, multifunctional use of land and soil and interlinkages to the regional development, as well as new governance tools and the “learning region” concept would be developed. The project should link to the work already undertaken by the Academia Danubiana in this field.

This year in 2012 we are preparing an Erasmus Intensive program in the new Town of Aspern Seestadt in Vienna. www.aspern-seestadt.at/en We intend to work in a permaculture design course with students from Danube countries and Western European countries on facts and trends about ecological, technical, and economic structures in the existing built up and open space areas for developing multi- functional land-use within the new town Aspern Seestadt and its environment. (see Projects)
Finally we will elaborate several proposals for the representatives of the universities and the city council in Vienna. The aim of the project is to apply scientific knowledge in the public domain by using the results of previous projects in permaculture (related to the public open space, semi-public, and private green) and to implement measures of permaculture patterns permeating a green network. See also Permakultur-Austria http://permakultur.net.

[1]  European Union Strategy for the Danube Region. {COM(2010) 715 final}  http://www.oerok.gv.at/fileadmin/Bilder/2.Reiter-Raum_u._Region/4.Europ-Raumentwicklung/Makroregionen/EUSDR/Docs/2010-12_EUSDR_ActionPlan_EN.pdf