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Being prepared to receive students: with some help from the Military Force

Im Rahmen des Permaculture Design Kurses werden 30 StudentInnen aus 10 Ländern im temporären BOKU—Heim in der Seestadt wohnen. Zu diesem Zweck hat die Landesverteidigungsakademie in Wien unter der Leitung von Major DI Andreas Berger und Vize Ltd. Poppe mit 20 Grundwehrdienern 3 Zelte aufgestellt.


As part of the Permaculture Design Course, 30 students from 10 countries are going to live in temporary barracks at the seaside town. To this end, the National Defence Academy of Vienna, under the direction of Major DI Andreas Berger and Vice Ltd.. Poppe placed 3 barracks with the help of 20 basic military servants.


Como parte do curso Perrmaculture Design Course, 30 estudantes de 10 países ficarão temporariamente alojados em barracas do exército nesta cidade litorânea. Por isto, a Academia Nacional de Defesa de Viena, sob a direção do Major Di Andreas Berger e Vice Ltd. Poppe instalaram 3 tendas militares, com a ajuda de 20 militares deste batalhão.







Befestigung der Rahmenko nstruktion für die Zelte im Beton boden des ehemaligen Flugfeldes in Aspern.

The fixation work on the concrete floor of the former aerodrome of Aspern, where the barracks are now placed.

Foi realizado o trabalho de fixar, no chão de concreto do antigo aeródromo de Aspern, onde as barracas estão agora montadas.






In der Zeit vom 13.-29. September 2012 werden im Gelände beim Infopoint Flederhaus die Fahnen von Europa, Österreich und ab Montag auch von der BOKU im Winde wehen.

Durint the period of the Aspern Design Course, from 13th to 29th September 2012 the flags of Europe Union and from Austria will blow in the wind at BOKU ground information point. 

Durante o período do Curso de Design de Aspern, de 13 a 29 de setembro 2012, as bandeiras da União Européia e da Áustria vão flamular ao vendo, no ponto de Informações BOKU.
Photos: 12 september 2012