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Shared Communication, what you mean?

“Shared communication is the possibility to participate in a media initiative or collective media action, especially in the work of free and/or journalistic coverage of events of social interest, through the exchange of efforts and contents among media and individuals involved in non-corporate or non-commercial communication. It resists the neoliberal logic of controlled management of communication by counterposing solidarity exchange to the competitive practices of the market and by addressing issues of journalistic, social, cultural or political interest without the commercial bias of the mass media.” (Ciranda, 2012)

We are going to open the possibility, for all the students and professors that will participate on the Design Course in Aspeern – Vienna 2012,  to also take part on this experience of shared communication. During the twenty days, we are going to produce information, to spreed the good practices and experiences that we are going to take part there.

It is going to be a collaborative and cooperative process where the final result is this blog, and all the information that we can spreed for others that could not join us, but are interested in projects and experiences like this.