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Block 3


The workshop during Block 2 provided the participants with the philosophy behind ecological design and planning applied in practice, in particular in the field of transdisciplinary management for responsible use of soil and sustainable land use.

The design concept is a system of assembling conceptual, material and strategic components in a pattern which functions to benefit life in all its forms. Ecological design implies any form of design that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes to minimize resource depletion, to preserve water cycles and soil, it respects species diversity, etc.

The themes of the project week gave the participants the opportunity to work in different groups on their specific topics using ecological design and planning principles.

It is the harmonious integration of regional development in relation to responsible use of soil for providing the socio-economic needs of the people in a sustainable way. The results of the project week were presented to the public on June 28th, 2005.

Download project presentations:

Möcsényi, Magyar, Dömötör, Ecological Landscape Planning (pdf, 3.925 kb)
Dorner, Furdikova,Stupakova, Nikolic, Yigit Turan, Science City (pdf, 1.596 kb)
Spachinger,Nagy, Krstic, Waterways – Critical thoughts about the intervention and its consequences (pdf 241 kb)
Pottyondi, Kertesz, Nationalpark (pdf, 847 kb)
Gucikova, Goncolova, Gregus, Borislavov, Eco-Design (pdf, 1419 kb)

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